• 2021.9.16moviezone
  • 作者:广播台 编辑: 广播台发布日期:2021-09-16浏览次数:


Hello,广播前的各位听众朋友们大家下午好,这里是每周四准时与大家约的movie zone,我是今天的主播刘舒婷,我是主播喻婕


When is the greatest ambition of a person? Junior high school students are very rebellious, in fact, not enough to know themselves and the world, even if ambitious is very naive. College students have passed the threshold of the college entrance examination, and most of them know their ability and direction. There is no doubt that the ambition and desire of high school students are the biggest, their body basically grows up, they have a certain understanding of the world, and their body and mind are ready to ride the waves. And this drama, really is burning feelings and ambition, whether it is the female school's "daughter of the sea" xiao Huang, male school's senior four young Lao Gou they have enough dream space. Is the so-called heart how big, how big the stage.

Speaking of song and dance films, this is a rare type in Chinese films. I am deeply impressed that Chinese song and dance films also belong to Jay's rooftop love, and I like this film very much, although I may bring a little fan filter, although the second half of the film falls into the stereotype and some pull the hip, But Jay was absolutely attentive to the arrangement of several song and dance plays.



But other songs and dances began to embarrass me. For example, the scene of dancing at the gate of men's high and women's high on a rainy day, although the picture is also very good, after a group of people from men's high and women's high joined and started dancing, it reminded me of a famous expression bag that also happened on a rainy day, that is, "you don't fight anymore, you have to fight in the dance studio". I really hope that I can have the ability to drag the progress bar and jump over that section.

我觉得歌舞只是一种表现形式,它应该是服务于剧情的,是符合故事逻辑的。比如《三傻大闹宝莱坞》里我很喜欢的一段《Aal Izz Well》,这段舞蹈很夸张,但它表现的是主人公一伙人对规则的跳脱和反抗,是符合人设和故事发展的。再比如《阿拉丁》里的《Speechless》,它完全跳出了现实,但它是公主内心的心中的声音,完全虚构反而能表现主人公的心志。

The problem of The Day We Lit Up the Sky singing and dancing mainly lies in the embarrassment and irrationality of the plot. As for the scene of awkward dancing at the school gate on a rainy day, it is understandable that Peng Yuchang's five people came out to dance. They want to find some face for Xiao Huang, but other male high school students watching the excitement behind are also inexplicable. It is illogical to rush out like being beaten with chicken blood. What's more illogical is that a group of people from nvgao also rushed out to join the awkward dance team. The hostess had been shaped into a role that everyone hated when others bullied her at school. Why suddenly there were a group of people willing to dance with her in the rain. In the same way, the female leader suddenly had such a good popularity.

Though his music and dance can make us feel a bit does not adapt, but it refused to present the kernel are not afraid to lose, refused to tell similar efforts will eventually succeed such a cliche, but by fresh lovable characters, dream and reality interwoven plot, passing youth without failure, lost to also want to dance, sunshine secondary school dancing group of friends, or even a didn't win, They were eliminated after only jumping in the preliminary competition and became a joke in the eyes of the audience. However, they lost extremely brilliantly, displaying the confidence of a new generation of young people and showing the color of youth from another perspective.

At the same time, there are some scenes that attract me.One of my favorite scenes is the dance in the moonlight, with the music. Just like what the heroine said, in fact, dancing is very simple, just like a grass, floating with the wind, feel the freedom of the wind can be. The people around did not recognize, the teacher did not affirm, more just laugh at, all the obsession all insist as if there is no little meaning.

True love, for myself. The stronger the desire is, the more she wants to realize her desire, although she also knows that all may be pure fantasy, love, just choose to run to, nothing more. Dance is always infectious. If you want to express your thoughts and protect her, you can only use dance to express them and infect more and more people to join in, for the sake of your simple heart, or even for the sake of yourself who dare not do stupid things for fear of others' ridicule. Has been so silly in this world alive, but also belongs to their own beautiful.

燃野少年的天空或许是一种青春的宣泄。他们在没人的街道,在雨中跳舞 与世界格格不入,是特殊 他们在教室,在海边,在街道。武动的是青春,舞动的是那份格格不入 看着远去的车辆,没办法拦下,那是通向生活与责任的道路 那些讨厌女主的女孩儿莫名奇妙毫无理由的奔向雨中舞蹈,可能是被场景带动,但是也解释不通前期对女孩欢乐舞动的理由。

但是电影看的是虽不充满诗意,却被美化的生活,看的是生活中不被细细挖掘的感受。 我想世界上第一个跳舞的人,是因为某个偶然的节拍、情绪而动起来的。 不去探究它的内涵去看看它最直观原始的感受,这或许让人有尴尬,但那就是生活中不敢行动的,看的是生活中的“稀缺” 我最不喜欢的,就是为了他人而舞,我喜欢,最想看的,是独自一人在雨中凌乱不堪,生活的安宁与那些活泼的时光分开是意境的舞,不会舞蹈,但那颗躁动的心在脑海中舞蹈。

Because that kind of intoxication, because that kind of love from the heart, is forever will be infected, but also forever will pass on. It's fine to live in your own world if you're not understood by the world. Under the same frequency of resonance, just in order to find the direction you want, walking under the same frequency, the common bathed in a quiet moonlight, like that is just a teenager the expression of desire, the intensive and declaration of exclamation point of color, but it is the feeling of not deliberately, because these are each a teenager once want to say but can't speak out the truth, There are want to jump but did not have the opportunity to jump dance, want to do but did not do, "The Day We Lit Up the Sky" have shouted out for everyone, jumped out, let youth fade ordinary and failure, coruscated with due color, yes, that is the color of the rainbow and the sea.

ok,guys. Today's program is over,hope you guys enjoy it,and see you next week.


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