• 2017.04.06Movie Zone
  • 作者:赵洁晨 编辑: 广播台发布日期:2017-04-07浏览次数:




广播前的听众朋友们大家下午好,这里是每周四下午准时播出的Movie Zone,我是今天的主播吕雅婷,我是今天的主播杜辉远。Last term, we have talked about The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. A story about how Walter takes action in the real world when his job along with his co-worker are threatened embarking on a global journey that turns into an adventure more extraordinary than anything he could have ever imagined.

Today,we are like present you another fantasy movie, The Truman Show. Unlike The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, fantasy here is not another option of life, it is life and it’s fake. Directed by Peter Weir, with Jim Carrey, Ed Harris, Laura Linney, Noah Emmerich, The Truman Show tells a story about an insurance salesman who discovers his entire life is actually a television show.


Although it sometimes seems that Hollywood is catering to the lowest common denominator of everything, The Truman Show is proof that there are great ideas that are able to be turned into great movies. When mention about Jim Carrey, comedy would come across most people’s mind. Maybe you will be taken by how well the film moves to become more and more interesting , however I could just tell you that it’s not a comedy, not exactly.

Imagine being captivated all your life in a show, without knowing. Your neighbors, your family, your loved ones... everyone you ever knew were just actors, pretending to be people they are not. Well Truman Burbank not only imagined it, but also lived it. Truman Burbank is an ordinary guy in an ordinary little seaside town of Seahaven Island where nothing really happens. Everything is clean, everything is perfect, he knows people but never really connects to anyone.主人公楚门从一出生便生活在一场被设计好的持续三十年之久的真人秀里,被全球观众所窥探。然而在楚门生活的桃源镇里,除了楚门,所有人都是演员。

在《楚门的世界》中,这种“窥探”欲望的成就和满足是依靠楚门的真人秀实现的,在他整个的世界中,除了他对幕后操纵的一切一无所知所有的人和物都是演员和道具。他的父亲母亲,他的妻子兄弟,甚至他们生活的所有的物质材料,无一例外都是借镜头进行推销的广告产品。Laura Linney plays Truman's wife. She isn't only his wife but is a walking commercial. Whenever there is a product she brings home, it seems like she is telling the world how great it is. Noah Emmerich plays Truman's best friend Marlon. This always uplifting character brings comic relief for Truman when he needs it most. When Truman's world seems to be falling apart, he's there. When Truman just needs a friend, he's there. Marlon is the one part of his life that like an insurance in case Truman knows the truth.

The one woman he ever really loved is not his wife and has long since left for the other side of the world where he longs to visit but feels he can never go. Paralysed by his fear of water since seeing his father die on a boating accident, Truman still feels he is missing something.

A strange light falling from the sky, a man who reminds him of his dead father, a strange radio broadcast and the feeling that the world really stops when he shuts his eyes all combine to make him feel something is wrong – but what is it that he seeks but feels he cannot find?


当楚门突发奇想要立刻开车去斐济(fěi jì),所有的路口都同时出现了汽车来阻挡他;当他在夜晚巧妙布置好房间实现“金蝉脱壳“从房间潜逃,原本寂静黑暗的夜瞬间迎来了当头闪耀的太阳;当他驾着一船平稳快速地穿梭在大海中,克里斯托弗一声令下便可浓云密布顿起狂风暴雨;当他重整旗鼓航向本以为的碧海蓝天,发现原来眼前的竟是一道不可逾越的屏障。

Truman begins to know that the whole world is created for him, everything is fake. He step on the stairs moving forward to the black door, behind which is an unknown world representing unpredictable fate. He hesitates but made up his mind to step forward. Right on this moment,Christof speaks“你害怕,所以你不能走,楚门,不要紧,我明白。我看了你的一生,你出生时我在看你;你入学时我在看你;还有你掉第一颗牙齿的时候,我也在看你。你不能离开,楚门,你属于这里,跟我一起吧。”

这看似感人肺腑的诉说是一剂毒药,克里斯托弗与楚门的关系如果对应到社会家庭,这则是高压的父权和生活在其绝对掌控下的孩子。生活在父母庇护下的孩子走不出父母的羽翼,他就永远只会唯唯诺诺,在一味服从中度过那虽风雨不惊却苍白乏味的一生。楚门早已看透这一切,他早已厌倦了这表演出来的世界,他要摆脱由他人设计的平庸生活从而拥有由自己书写的风雨人生,他依旧说出那句具有创造性的问候:“Good morning, and in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!”



The film's surrealistic nature is frightening when we realizes the legal feasibility in today's society, and it offers a great message about who or what we assume God to be and how he would react to our personal drives for discovery to challenge a world we treat as an aquarium.

Some things to note and ponder: The way the real-life viewers ignore the real lives of their compatriots and customers while focusing on a false life on screen; whose life is more real and whose is worth living? Also, note that Christof does not have his name listed among the "real world" in the credits, but in "Christof's World." His high-profile media-driven life is no different from Truman's!


在节目的最后,愿每一个有梦想的你们,都能够早日走出心灵的安逸,对这个世界保持一份怀疑,做最真实的自己,拥抱更精彩的世界。好啦,今天的movie zone在这里就和大家说再见了,感谢导播张杜娟,王廷涛,卢芳君,董凡,我是主播吕雅婷,我是主播杜辉远,我们下周四不见不散。

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