• 2019.11.28moviezone
  • 作者:刘依凡杨楠 编辑: 广播台发布日期:2019-11-28浏览次数:


"The Shawshank Redemption" uses Morgan freeman's character, Red, as its narrative lead.From the perspective of a third party: Andy.This also makes Morgan freeman's narration another highlight of the film, with its deep and charming voice, slow and rhythmic.As the old saying goes, lookers-on see most of the game.But in this movie, red never sees what Andy is doing.There are many ways to interpret this classic.Whether it's photography, dialogue, or deep institutionalization or socialization, it's ok, because Shawshank is a microcosm of the real world.You suffer in silence what the little world imposes on you, and it seems enough to take something from the outside like Red.



Many of the details and foreshadowing of the film are worth pondering.When I first saw it, I felt in the bottom of my heart that this story should be the inspiring story of this guy who had studied sculpture for decades and finally became a generation of prison stone masters.But then the story let me understand a truth.Stone master's road to growth, but also after twists and turns.In the days that followed, Red was right, and the three sisters began to harass Andy like mad.Andy fought tooth and nail with fresh wounds on his face.Here's a voice-over I love: "I wish it had been a different ending, with Andy winning and leaving.I'd like to tell you that, but prison is not a fairy tale."(我也希望是另一种结局,就是安迪打赢,全身而退。我很想这么告诉你们,然而监狱不是童话世界)


As if the word were interesting, the jailers, who were not free people, had a rare illusion when they drank beer: freedom.After that, the three sisters beat Andy up. Headley used Andy to cripple one of them.After that, Andy's Routine began to change.Knowledge changes destiny, because of outstanding financial ability, Andy begins to be responsible for the financial consultation to each prison guard in the prison, and then each prison guard comes to him to file taxes.Quiet days are always short.The old librarian,Bo阿布, was finally paroled.But after he was released from prison, he could not adapt to life outside the prison and finally committed suicide.Institutionalization is a word mentioned many times in the film.The fixed mode of life in prison, the frame of life, gradually let the mind become rigid.You are afraid to jump out and do not have the courage to face the new life, even if you have the courage, you have lost this ability.



Andy, who had finished his detention, leaned against the corner and talked to rhett without a word.He talked of his wife, delighting in her beauty, and regretting her last departure;He talked about what had happened to him.He talked of his distant place, SAN wattanio, beside the Pacific Ocean, warm and unremembered.Red as always let Andy give up fantasy, but this time, Andy said: Andy and inmates for a bundle of rope, in a dark night began to act.Red worried that he could not bear to commit suicide, but Andy quietly took the warden's books and shoes.It took Andy only 20 years to dig through a tunnel he had thought would take 600 years.Under the cover of thunder, he made his way through the tunnel, crawled through five hundred yards of dirty sewers, and made his way to freedom.When Andy got out, he took all the black money in Stevens' name and exposed the dark side of shawshank prison.And the hammer that digs through the tunnel, he's been hiding in the bible.As the warden was fond of saying: the way to salvation lies in it.

海德利被捕后,典狱长吞枪自杀了,安迪也如愿离开美国,奔向南方。老友们时常谈起他,但也都很明白:You know some birds are not meant to be caged,their feather are just too bright.而瑞德继续扮演着黄金配角的重任,贡献一段极有分量的假释独白。对比瑞德前后的独白,我们可以很清晰地感受到他的变化。安迪给他带来的是一种力量,一种去直面过去和未来的力量。假释或者不假释,那又如何呢?沉浸在对过去的悔恨里,永远不会对现实产生任何影响。走出来,才不会被监狱体制化;说出来,才有重新出发的勇气。瑞德获得假释之后,同样面临着老布的困境。无法适应社会,不知道自己能做什么。每日看着手枪,思考是否要犯罪重返肖申克监狱,或是更为极端地结束自己的生命。但对安迪做出的承诺,让他坚持了下来。瑞德依照安迪说的话,来到约定的地点,取到了安迪给他留下的信:希望是个好东西,而且美好的事情永不消散。

In the final scene of the film, red follows Andy's instructions to go to Mexico. In a warm place without memories, the two old friends reunite and hug each other tightly.That's what a good movie is. Every time you watch it, you learn something new.The first time, excited about Andy's escape, and now, I was more impressed by the gradual transformation of Red.Not everyone is Andy, born with the courage to break the rules.Most of the transformations of ordinary people are like Red's.May you and I never lose the courage to change and become what we want to be.






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